Welcome to the New England Times Community Directory

This community directory is a free service offered by the New England Times. All businesses and community groups in our region are warmly invited to create a free listing to help advertise their activities and help locals find you.

Please register to begin.

Once registered, you can create as many listings as you like on the add listing form.

Put as much information as you like into your form. It’s best to keep the title as just the name of your business or organisation; use the tag line to add a little more flair to the heading.

Please select a category for your listing and your town in the location field. If you can’t see an appropriate category or your town, there is an option asking us to add your town or an appropriate category. We’ll do that when we approve your listing.

You can also add tags to help people find your listing. Tags are extra descriptors: so for example, you might select the category of specialty services – florist, and you select the location of Inverell. You could put in tags like ‘gifts’, ‘delivery’, or ‘urgent orders’ to add a bit more info about what you do. People can then look for all the listings with the same tag.

Put in all your contact details, and be sure to link to your social media pages. If you don’t want people to be able to contact you through the site, make sure you check the box that says ‘hide contact owner form for single listing page’.

Put in your address if you have a shop or office people can go to, and the map will show your location. If you don’t have a shop or office, you can just put your town, or select ‘hide map’.

And lastly, add some photos for your listing. You can add multiple photos, but the ones that look the best are square shaped, like an instagram photo. Avoid graphics or logos with a transparent background. You can also add a video from YouTube or Vimeo.

Then hit submit! Please note it can take up to 24 hours to approve a listing.

By default, listings last for 1 year and you’ll be sent an automatic reminder a month before they expire. You can also edit or update your listing at any time by simply logging in and managing your listings from the dashboard.